NDCC Liturgical Choir perform Faure's Requiem with SMND Concordia Choir


Location: Stream at https://sacredmusic.nd.edu/events/2021/09/03/smnd-faculty-concert-mark-doerries/

SMND Choral Conducting Faculty Concert - Dr. Mark Doerries, conductor
The Concordia Choir of Sacred Music at Notre Dame and the Liturgical Choir of the Notre Dame Children's Choir join forces Friday evening to perform Gabriel Fauré's 1893 edition of the Requiem in D Minor under the direction of Dr. Mark Doerries. Accompanied by the Ritornello Instrumental Ensemble, the performance at the Church of Our Lady of Loretto from 7:30-8:30pm on Friday, September 3 is closed to the public, but will be live streamed. Visit our website for the streaming link and program information. 

Isabelle Camilleri, soprano
Preston Harrell, baritone

Concordia Choir
Notre Dame Children's Liturgical Choir
Ritornello Instrumental Ensemble