
Help us grow our program with a gift of charity or time.

You can support the Sacred Music Academy, Notre Dame Children's Choir, and Organ Training Program in several vital ways:

Sponsor a concert or part of our next tour!

We are looking for individuals or companies who would like to sponsor one of our annual concert events (Fall Harvest in October, Lessons and Carols in December, Liturgy of the Hours in March or the Community Festival in May).  NDCC tours every other year and needs sponsors to help offset the cost. Please contact us directly at

Fundraising Events

Each year the Academy holds three fundraising events that support programs such as the Prelude Choir for parents, infants, and toddlers, as well as our choir tours and recordings.

NDCC FUNraiser Coffeehouse 

Students and families share their musical talents in this fun evening of fellowship with sweet goodies and warm beverages.  Families and local shops donate baskets for drawing prizes.

Sacred Music Academy Winter Gala 

Join friends of the Sacred Music Academy in an elegant evening of dining, music, and silent auction. The Academy directors perform an annual Broadway revue for guests.

Notre Dame Day (April)

Notre Dame Day is a University-wide online giving for organizations within Notre Dame where at donations of $10+ are magnified by anonymous donors from the University. 

Financial Contribution

Make a tax-deductible contribution online.


The Notre Dame Children's Choir is always in need for parent volunteers to chaperone rehearsals, performances, tours, and social events. In the past our parent volunteers have traveled with the choir throughout the midwest, to the East Coast and to the UK. All volunteers for overnight events are required to undergo a background check. Parents also help with maintaining our robes and assisting with fundraisers.

Sign up to volunteer by clicking here!

Host a Performance

The Notre Dame Children's Choir performs at local churches and community centers throughout the northern Indiana region. Our deadline for scheduling fall events is August 25; while our deadline for spring events is January 8.

If you would like one of our choirs to visit your church or center, send us an email.


Follow us on Facebook to stay current with upcoming performances and special events.